5 DIY tips to clean your Area Rug

To make a rug last for years, you need to clean and maintain it. When it’s time to clean your rug, you can roll it up and send it out to a professional, or you can do it yourself to save a ton of money. Here are 5 DIY tips to clean your area rug.

1.  Get all of the dirt out from the rug
First get all of the dirt and dust out of the rug.  Dirt is the worst enemy to the rug and damaging them over time. Shake your rug out as much as possible to loosen up debris and dirt. After you finish shaking out your rug, spread it on the ground and use a quality vacuum on the front and backside of the rug. You can also take a soft bristle brush and lightly brush your rug to remove hairs.

Dusting A Rug - The Traditional Method of Carpet Cleaning 3
Beating rug to take out dust

2. Thoroughly soak the rug 
Soak the rug with a hose and make sure the fibers are completely soaked as much as possible. Make sure the fibers are completely soaked as much as possible.

soaking the rug
Soaking the Rug

3. Soap it up
Take a cup of castile soap and mix it into a bucket of water. Gently rub and scrap the fibers with a clean cloth to work out any stray pet, stain, and hairs. Excessive or vigorous scrubbing can lead to shrinkage of the wool fibers. After your rug is soaped up, pick it up and hang it up over a fence where it can fully drain and drip.

soaping the rug
Soaping the Rug

4. Wet the rug
Get the garden hose out and wet it thoroughly. And make sure the water is clear and all the soap is washed out. When hair accumulates on a rug, brush the rug until dirt and hair cease to come out.

wet the rug
Wetting the Rug

5. Dry
Lay the rug flat to dry. Direct sunlight is not good for the rug as it causes colors to fade, so dry it on a moderately warm day. Once the rug is fully dry, vacuum it one final time and you will find your rug be brighter, fluffier and of course cleaner.

vacumming rugs
Drying the Rug 

Maintaining a clean run can drastically increase its durability and longevity. Without proper care and attention, its life is liable to be damaged. So, for more information regarding tips to clean your area rug contact, CRG Carpet Cleaning at 0411 154 433.

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